Bad if our blog was the bubble cursor, move the cursor wherever it is located. But what happens when it happens on your blog? Happy? Surprised? Dead?! Starch fun because our blog we can decorate with cursor bubbly. But how? Quiet here is there is a way
1. Open Menu Layout
2. Click "Add a Gadget"
3. Add Gadget HTML / Javascript
4. Copy and Paste the code below
<noscript> </ noscript> <! ----> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://blogtrikdantips-blogspot.googlecode.com/files/cursor_gelembung.js"> </ script> < script type = "text / javascript">
/ / <! [CDATA [
var colors = new Array ("# 2E9AFE", "# 2E9AFE", "# 2E9AFE", "# 2E9AFE", "# 2E9AFE") / / colors for top, right, bottom and left borders and background of bubbles
var bubbles = 100, / / maximum number of bubbles on screen
var x = ox = 400;
var y = oy = 300;
swide var = 800;
shigh var = 600;
var sleft = sdown = 0;
Bubb var = new Array ();
var bubbx = new Array ();
var bubby = new Array ();
var bubbs = new Array ();
window.onload = function () {if (document.getElementById) {
var rats, div;
for (var i = 0; i <bubbles; i + +) {
rats = createDiv ("3px", "3px");
rats.style.visibility = "hidden";
div = createDiv ("auto", "auto");
rats.appendChild (div);
div = div.style;
div.top = "1px";
div.left = "0px";
div.bottom = "1px";
div.right = "0px";
div.borderLeft = "1px solid" + colors [3];
div.borderRight = "1px solid" + colors [1];
div = createDiv ("auto", "auto");
rats.appendChild (div);
div = div.style;
div.top = "0px";
div.left = "1px";
div.right = "1px";
div.bottom = "0px"
div.borderTop = "1px solid" + colors [0];
div.borderBottom = "1px solid" + colors [2];
div = createDiv ("auto", "auto");
rats.appendChild (div);
div = div.style;
div.left = "1px";
div.right = "1px";
div.bottom = "1px";
div.top = "1px";
div.backgroundColor = colors [4];
div.opacity = 0.5;
if (document.all) div.filter = "alpha (opacity = 50)";
document.body.appendChild (rats);
Bubb [i] = rats.style;
set_scroll ();
set_width ();
bubble ();
bubble function () {
var c;
if (x! = ox | | y! = oy) {
ox = x;
oy = y;
for (c = 0; c <bubbles, c + +) if (! bubby [c]) {
Bubb [c]. left = (bubbx [c] = x) + "px";
Bubb [c]. top = (bubby [c] = y) + "px";
Bubb [c]. width = "3px";
Bubb [c]. height = "3px"
Bubb [c]. visibility = "visible";
bubbs [c] = 3;
for (c = 0; c <bubbles, c + +) if (bubby [c]) update_bubb (c);
setTimeout ("bubble ()", 40);
update_bubb function (i) {
if (bubby [i]) {
bubby [i] - = bubbs [i] / 2 + i% 2;
bubbx [i] + = (i% 5-2) / 5;
if (bubby [i]> sdown && bubbx [i]> 0) {
if (Math.random () <bubbs [i] / * 2 && shigh bubbs [i] + + <8) {
Bubb [i]. width = bubbs [i] + "px";
Bubb [i]. height = bubbs [i] + "px";
Bubb [i]. top = bubby [i] + "px";
Bubb [i]. left = bubbx [i] + "px";
else {
Bubb [i]. visibility = "hidden";
bubby [i] = 0;
document.onmousemove = mouse;
mouse function (e) {
set_scroll ();
y = (e)? e.pageY: + event.y sleft;
x = (e)? e.pageX: event.x sdown +;}
window.onresize = set_width;
set_width function () {
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
swide = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
shigh = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
else if (typeof (self.innerHeight) == "number") {
swide = self.innerWidth;
shigh = self.innerHeight;
else if (document.body.clientWidth) {
swide = document.body.clientWidth;
shigh = document.body.clientHeight;
else {
swide = 800;
shigh = 600;
window.onscroll = set_scroll;
set_scroll function () {
if (typeof (self.pageYOffset) == "number") {
sdown = self.pageYOffset;
sleft = self.pageXOffset;
else if (document.body.scrollTop | | document.body.scrollLeft) {
sdown = document.body.scrollTop;
sleft = document.body.scrollLeft;
else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.scrollTop | | document.documentElement.scrollLeft)) {
sleft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
sdown = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
else {
sdown = 0;
sleft = 0;
createDiv function (height, width) {
var div = document.createElement ('div');
div.style.position = "absolute";
div.style.height = height;
div.style.width = width;
div.style.overflow = "hidden";
return (div);
/ /]]>
</ Script>
*NB: If you want to change the color of the bubbles, replace the code in blue
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